Change your body through a series of classical Pilates exercises designed to improve your posture through strength, mobility and control.

We only offer private sessions in our studio because the focus is on you and your goals. Private sessions ensure you will learn proper technique and execution on your path to improved health and wellness.

Private Pilates sessions are available by appointment Monday to Friday, from 7am to 4pm. Individual privates range from $150 to $125, depending upon the package. Duets are $190 ($95/pp) and trios are $240 ($80/pp). We do not offer packages for duets or trios.

384 Broadway Suite 1, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

(518) 886-9969


Heidi Galli, Instructor and Co-founder

Heidi Galli has been teaching Pilates for over 10 years. She has always pursued an active lifestyle, and Pilates helps her maintain a strong foundation for her athletic pursuits. She enjoys hiking, cycling, surfing, and trying to keep up with her teenage son, an avid rock climber and snowboarder. Heidi also loves spending time with her dog, Christopher, and speaks fluent French.

After living 26 years in NYC, Heidi headed North and opened LAB Pilates’ Saratoga Springs studio in July 2020. Her clients enjoy her deep knowledge of the method and her clever sense of humor. Her confident, caring demeanor allows clients to feel comfortable in their bodies while improving their lives through fitness and mindset training.


384 Broadway Suite 1, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Telephone (518) 886-9969